Too Heavy For Your Pocket is a new play by Jiréh Breon Holder that explores the personal side of the Freedom Riders movement in the 1960's. 

5 Reasons You Should See It:

1. The acting is off the charts. Every character is super-nuanced and goes on a big journey. That’s thanks, in part, to the strong acting chops of these four future megastars. It's also powerful to have a cast that is 100% people of color.

2. Brandon Gill. Pay special attention to this Juilliard graduate, who shined in Bella: An American Tall Tale a few months ago and goes IN with an electric performance during the second act of this play. His jail scenes will scare the eff outta you. The dude is an A+ actor, an A+ singer, and an A+ dancer. Triple threat much? Hashtag swoon...

Photos: Jeremy Daniel

3. Music is integrated beautifully into this production. Director Margot Bordelon makes scene transitions feel cinematic and lovely. You'll want to keep listening to some of these oldies for days after you leave the theater.

4. You'll learn about the Freedom Riders movement, but from a different perspective. Unlike the recent Freedom Riders musical, this shows the personal devastation that some of these families experienced.

5. It's at Roundabout's black box theater on 46th Street, which is intimate and serene. Bonus: the tickets are only $25!

Runs through November 19.