Banner Image: Jeff Carpenter

Ernest Shackleton Loves Me is a quirky Off-Broadway musical that delights with its multimedia experience and incredible music that you can stream now on Broadway HD! 

Val Vigoda stars as a 40-something single mom who allows a little research on Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton (in the middle of the night after not sleeping for 36 hours) to transport her to a dreamlike land of inspiration. Val also wrote the lyrics for the show and plays a MEAN electric violin, which ends up sounding kinda like an electric guitar when she's done with it.

Hunky Wade McCollum is the only other cast member playing (mostly) Ernest Shackleton himself and shines as an ambitious and eternally optimistic dude. The duo's 11th hour number rouses!

Photos: Jeff Carpenter

Ernest Shackleton Loves Me is streaming now on Broadway HD!