The ticket confirmation for Bleach, a new immersive solo play, comes with trigger warnings. And, no wonder: The audience is no more than 10 people in an intimate basement studio apartment in Bushwick, as graphic depictions of violent sexual encounters happen inches in front of them.

When you arrive, the setting seems harmless. You sit on the “tenant’s” couches as he regails you with wild and crazy stories of being a sex worker, but it’s the one that involves the title of the show in a completely unexpected way that will really eff you up!

Photos: Hunter Canning

Buckle up as actors Eamon Yates and Brendan George alternate the role of Tyler in Dan Ireland-Reeves’ 65-minute play, which is directed by Zack Carey. You’ll head back to the L train (2 blocks away) haunted by Tyler’s stories and the intimate setting of this exciting piece of theater.

Runs through March 30.